Simply Peg's Place

L 'ame de la vie... 'The beautiful soul of life'

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Are you living the life you were intended to live?

Are you living the life you were intended to live?
Are you being true to your Authentic self?
How to tell is quiet simple.
When one lives the life they were intended to live,
the life of Authentic self,
there is great peace, happiness, and purpose.
When one lives a life that is not authentic to self,
there is stress, chaos, confusion, Happiness in moment's,
but not the true happiness and peace that one craves for.

Each of us came into this world, with our own unique talents, and gifts!
Our parents may have created our bodies, but our soul's
come from something Much higher, much wiser! This is why we can say,
"No two people are the same,
Not even identical twins."

We hear about the son, who doesn't want to go into the family business. The Doctor, who walked away from his successful career, to open a small family restaurant.
The CEO of a company, That packs up his life, to start a farm in the country.
We think, they are crazy. But they are not. They found there Authentic self.
the life they were intended to live. 

For some, Finding there Authentic self's leads to big careers, money, degree's, 
But for other's Being there Authentic self's leads to simpler thing's.
One in the end, is not richer then the other.
For in the end, money, degrees, fame does not bring peace and happiness.
The only thing that brings peace and Happiness is staying true, to the life
you were intended to lead!

Many of us, are on a path that goes against our Authentic self's. These paths were 
presented to us, by well meaning people, Our parents, friends, relatives, or someone
we thought we wanted to emulate at that time in our lives.

That doesn't mean it is the life meant for us.
Sometimes, we find out who we are, and  what is our Authentic self later in life.
it's never to late, to live the life we were intended to live.
It's the life we were created for, the life that will being us true peace and happiness.
The life that will also touch other's lives.
For when we stay true to 'self' the possibilities are endless.
In the end, that is true Success!
Are you living the life you were intended to live? are you staying true to your Authentic self?
The answer to this  only you will know;
are you at peace? are you happy?
If not, go for that dream, deap inside you, the one that has always been!
you and only you know it!
It's your soul calling to you, to live the life you were intended to live.
The life of Authentic Self.  


  1. Peggy Sue,
    I love the line..."Are you living the life you were intended to live? Are you staying true to your Authentic self? The answer to this only you will know. Are you at peace? Are you happy?"

    So, so true and such wisdom in your words, my friend. When I am most my Authentic self I feel at HOME in my own body, at HOME in my own life. I relish the moments, and I can take deep, deep breaths. I feel so at peace...All will be well. It's as if I came home to who God made me to be. All is truly well with my soul!

    Thank you for sharing your heart, dear Peggy Sue.
    I am SO grateful to know you and I am honored you share YOUR authentic self on your blog!

  2. Linda, you point out the best in every post..not just on my blog but others. What an amazing gift to get to know you :) love to you!


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