Simply Peg's Place

L 'ame de la vie... 'The beautiful soul of life'

Saturday, February 15, 2014

There is no greater a woman like this!!!

I wanted to share a video I saw on Facebook...sad thing was...
as I shared the link...
I saw it came from a group called..
how dare anyone say...this is shockable...
so I searched and found her on youtube!
this to true beauty!
the beauty that is everything...
fell utterly in love with
this young woman! 
I Know you will too!

Truly, is there any greater beauty???!
love, love, love!
thanks for watching...
love to all!


  1. That was so uplifting, I'm thinking of using it with my pupils!

  2. Thanks Magali, I just loved it and her..and yes, it is so uplifiting!

  3. Hi Peggy Sue,
    This was so inspiring! I showed it to my class today as we are talking about disabilities, compassion, and appreciating differences. She is beautiful and so is her message. I love her spunk and humor. She is a light, just as you are Peggy Sue. Thank you so much for taking the time and care to comment on my blog. Getting to know you, and your sweet spirit and love for Jesus, is such a gift.

    God made a miracle when He made YOU!
    Love and hugs!
    Your friend, Linda

  4. Linda, I just found your post here...I am still so unaware on how to blog! thank you for your sweet words...Yes she is so inspiring.... There are so many amazing human being's out there..But some just go unnoticed... so happy you shared her!
    love back at you!


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